Sunday, May 16, 2010

Maxine Cartoons And Retirement

Administrative Max Configurable Components 4.0 Components

As announced at the last convention of a2 Softway last October, was released version 4.0 of the administrative configurable. Following what has already highlighted the new version has the architecture client-server and of course with the new database manager DBISAM 4.28 which represents a major breakthrough if one takes into account previous versions only allowed access to information through Delphi 5 and the DBISAM version 2.08.
For those interested in working with the tables in this new version is also available ODBC drivers for Visual Basic, C #, or Delphi all versions ( Download DBISAM ODBC).
Its outstanding features are:
  • Centralization of resources
  • Improving security at Administarción
  • Server Scalability and maintenance much easier. We
modules from earlier versions upgrade to this new version already in itself as I mentioned earlier is a big step.
can read the characteristics of the new system from this link in PDF (read more )

Greetings Mr. Victor J.
L. Acosta

Monday, May 3, 2010

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Comics Online

As warned, the company closed its site Max Components of these excellent components. However, for those who have not had the opportunity to download the components:

* * TmxProtector
* * TmxCalendar
* * TmxResourceStore
* * TmxWebUpdate
TmxNativeExcel *
TmxXPButton TmxInsertSymbolDialog
* * TmxCaptionBarButtons
TmxLinkLabel TmxOutlookBar

* Here is the link from my personal collection of these components.

Download: MX components

Greetings Mr. Victor J. L. Acosta