Sunday, February 18, 2007

January Figurine, Blue

Exit application in java applet ImageIcon and Image in

to upload an image ImageIcon or a java applet using the following statement:


ImageIcon picture = new ImageIcon (getImage (getCodeBase (), "photo.jpg"));
ImageIcon image [] = new ImageIcon [10]; for (int i = 0; i image [i] = new ImageIcon (getImage (getCodeBase (), Integer.toString (i) + ". JPG"));}

 Miage To load an applet is used following code: Image 
imgJava = getImage (j.getCodeBase (), "java.png");
can also perform the above trick to upload groups of pictures.

Icon image [] = new Icon [10];
for (int i = 0; i
image [i] = new getImage (j.getCodeBase (), "img" + Integer.toString (i) + " . png ");}


Friday, February 16, 2007

Failure Touchscreen Ipod

Read Open url in java text file

Example in java. This code opens a url of a web page and read
the entire contents of the address. The constants are the IP and PORT <10;i++){
own proxy if available, but proxy you remove or comment this part
try {/ / In case of proxy
System.setProperty ("http.proxyHost", IP);
System.setProperty ("http.proxyPort", PORT);

URL address = new URL ("");
 InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader (direccion.openStream ()); 
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader (isr);
String line = null;
while ((line = entrada.readLine ())!= null) {text + = line
+ "\\ N";}

entrada.close ();

} catch (MalformedURLException mre) {System.out.println

} catch (IOException ioe) {System.out.println
( ioe);}

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Tourcher Movies Japanase

This example explains how to open a text file in java, showing it in through a JTextArea
name "Text" and choosing the file with a JFileChooser

String Text = ""; fc.showOpenDialog (this);
fc.getSelectedFile File Open = (); / Returns the File we will leerName
if (Abrir! = null) {FileReader
 Texto.setText (""); File = new FileReader (Open); 
BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader (file);
while ((Text = read. readLine ())!= null) {
Texto.append (Text + "\\ n") / / append concatenates the line read}

leer.close ();}

} catch (IOException ioe) {
System . out.println (ioe);}

Paper Buildings Ho Scale

texo Save file

This example explains how to save a text file java, using the JFileChooser class to choose the name and directory file.

String Text = "Text you want to save";
try {/ / System.getProperty ("user.dir") Open the JFileChooser where is the executable fc.getSelectedFile = ();
if (Save! = null) {FileWriter
 Guardx = new FileWriter (Save); 
Guardx.write (Text);
Guardx.close () / / Close the file}

} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println (ioe); / / Display the console errors


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Clear Little Blisters In

Connect to java

To connect to a db in java is made the following statement:
The following example is designed for a db with jdbc driver
and in this case with a DB access. For any other BD
camber just have the type of driver and connect statement.
String DATABASE = 'Example.mdb'; (sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver ");
/ / Connect to the database
Connection = DriverManager.getConnection (" jdbc: odbc: Driver = {Microsoft Access
Driver (*. mdb)}; DBQ = "+ DATABASE);

} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
{/ / No driver
System.out.println (cnfe);}

Friday, February 9, 2007

Casino Mario Salieri Onlen

BD Eclipse programming environment

Eclipse is a very powerful programming platform that allows the development of very diverse applications, such as C + +, Java programs, php, etc.

One of the main tools to enhance this tool is the use of numerous plug-ins that help you customize Eclipse for java or php, etc.

can download eclipse Eclipse plugins What you can download them in Plug-ins

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

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NetBeans is a development environment designed for open source software across platforms, making use of technology Java.

has numerous plugins practical support for creating graphical interfaces visually in java, web application development (applets, servlets), CVS version control. It also allows the programming of J2ME mobile phone applications and much more.
Download it from Netbeans

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netbeans Java 2 SE Development Kit (JDK)

Development Kit Java 2 platform.
New development kit version of the Java 2 platform, which allows you to make your own programs in java. This version is much more stable and faster than ever. Java Software